BOD Activities

2023 BOD Activities
Round Date Agenda Result Remarks
1 2023.02.14 - Approval of change of branches Approved
- Report on and approval of the safety and health plan in 2023 Approved
- Approval of the 34th financial statements and business report Approved
- Convocation of the 34th general shareholders’ meeting Approved
- Determination of dividend payment Approved
- Approval of transactions with stakeholders in 2023 Approved
- Amendment of the Management committee regulation Approved
- Report on the internal accounting management system operation status -
- Report on the evaluation of the internal accounting management system operation status -
- Report on operating performances in 4Q 2022 -
2 2023.03.29 - Appointment of the Chairman Approved
- Appointment of the CEO Approved
- Appointment of the Committee members (Management committee, Independent Directors Recommendation Committee, ESG Committee) Approved
- Approval of large scale internal transactions (IO Bed) Approved
- Approval of transactions between executives and the company (Netmarble HEALER B) Approved
3 2023.05.11 - Report on operating performances in 1Q 2023 -
4 2023.08.08 - Approval of transactions between executives and the company (Netmarble) Approved
- Approval of transactions between executives and the company (HEALER B) Approved
- Report on operating performances in 2Q 2023 -
5 2023.11.07 - Approval of exceptional application of executive severance pay standards Approved
- Report on operating performances in 3Q 2023 -
6 2023.12.12 - Approval of concurrently serving as executive officer of another company Approved
- Approval and delegation of bond issuance limit in 2024 Approved
- Approval of business plan for 2024 Approved
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